If you have a retail outlet, chances are that you’ll have invested in steel roller shutters to keep it secure when you’re not open. But what else can you do to boost your security when you’re open as well as when you’re closed?
The Co-op has launched a new strategy that appears to be having a positive effect. The retailer has introduced SmartWater fog cannons, which are designed to not only deter criminals but also to help link them back to the scene of a crime, Leader Live reported.
These cannons work by creating a thick fog, which obscures their vision and makes it harder for them to continue with their robbery. But the fog itself is created using SmartWater. This means it leaves a unique forensic signature on those who come into contact with it. This is invisible to the naked eye and is guaranteed to last at least five years.
It means that people can be tied back to a crime scene long after a crime was committed. It can also help the police work out where stolen goods they seize were taken from.
The Co-op has found the SmartWater cannons to be particularly effective in the kiosk areas of its stores, which are often targeted because they sell age-restricted items like cigarettes and alcohol.
But the news provider noted that it is also rolling the technology out to its ATMs in a bid to further reduce crime across its estate.
Last month, Convenience Store reported that the number of shoplifting incidents being reported to police fell by three per cent in the 12 months to December 2018. However, the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) said that incidents were significantly under-reported and urged businesses to report all shoplifting to police.